The production of A.I. Wonderland is expected to take approximately 6 months. This timeline allows for the collaborative work of 50 artists from around the world, each contributing their unique vision to the project.
A.I. Wonderland will blend various filmmaking techniques to create a truly unique visual experience. We'll be using a combination of traditional animation and live-action techniques, featuring real actors. All of these elements will be enhanced and transformed with the help of cutting-edge AI technology, pushing the boundaries of what's possible in modern filmmaking.
We're actively seeking finance, partners, investors, and distribution channels for A.I. Wonderland. If you're interested in being part of this groundbreaking project, we'd love to hear from you. Please reach out to us through our contact page for more information on investment opportunities or potential partnerships.
With lots of hard work and a little help of magic mushrooms.
For general queries, including partnership opportunities, please email